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What's Your Mantra?

Updated: Jan 26

So what is your mantra? What is it that you repeat each and every day over and over in your mind? Is it enhancing your life or self sabotaging your life? Our words and our thoughts have power, when we use mantras we enhance our life and make significant changes in our personal growth. 

What is a mantra and how do you create one?

Mantra’s are sacred sounds, syllables, words or phrases, usually in Sanskrit, that when chanted, build our spiritual and psychological power. These ancient spiritual tools date back over 3,500 years and were first known to be used in India. Sanskrit is a language of ancient India. These ancient forms of vibrations connect us with higher realms, so intensely that they can start to add additional DNA strands to our unique blueprint.

What exactly is happening to my brain and body chemistry while chanting a mantra?

Chanting a mantra oxygenates the brain and balances the left and the right hemisphere, allowing the male and the female to synchronize. Chanting mantras produce specific vibratory frequencies within our body. The sounds of thoughts produced by the body and the mind radiate out from you. The vibratory frequency of the mantra draws to you whatever you are vibrating. We become like magnets attracting what we are sending out. We always want to make our thoughts positive and powerful. Mantras can change our moods and our health!

If you've ever found yourself dealing with feelings of anxiety or depression, these thoughts can put your entire nervous system out of wack. Mantra is a wonderful way to bring your mind and body back into adjustment. These spiritual tools can help put you back into alignment, and into your heart space.

Another thing that happens when we are chanting mantra is a chemical reaction in your brain and body. There are 84 meridian points, or pressure points, in the upper roof of our mouth. Every time we speak, you stimulate these points and other associated glands and organs within your tongue. Whenever you chant a mantra, you are tapping out a particular sequence or rhythm that initiates a chemical reaction.

How is mantra different than meditation?

In meditation, most sit in silence and chant mentally. Although you can chant your mantra mentally, it is suggested you chant out loud. Chanting, or singing, your mantra tunes your vibration and changes the chakra frequencies in your body. What you are chanting is going through your mental mind. This is what will play across the teleprompter in your mind daily.

The Art of Chanting

The art of chanting was luck connecting me so powerfully to kundalini yoga. It reminded me of being a small girl and going to church with my grandmother. My favorite part was always singing the church hymns. Once I really got into chanting, I realized I could calm my mind and release old habits and patterns.

I find that a lot of students feel embarrassed or uncomfortable chanting out loud at first, since our culture sometimes views singing out loud as strange unless you're a trained professional. The one thing to remember about mantra is that it's never about your voice. There is a difference between singing and chanting. You are chanting syllables to create sensations that will shift your brain in different ways. Our voice is tuned to our frequency. When your use your sound current, the universal energy that has been created just for YOU, you are tuning your body. Chant with LOVE! Chanting is all about devotion and should be done through the heart. The more you do it, the better and more comfortable you will feel. People will be able to feed off of your energy. Once you get passed the awkwardness of chanting, you will feel amazed on how open your heart and soul become.

How should I start?

  1. Listening to Mantra: If you are not yet comfortable chanting, you can start listening to mantras instead. Start with108 rhythms. I find it easiest to use a mala. Envision this chant across your forehead.

  2. 11/40 Challenge: Choose your mantra. If you have trouble doing this, please reach out to me and I'm happy to help you discover one that will work best for your mind, body and soul. Chant for 11 minutes, for 40 days in a row. If you miss a day, you must start from scratch on Day 1. The more you become acquainted with your mantra and it resonates with you, the more it becomes a part of you and you will start to see the effect it's having.

  3. Take Advantage of 4AM: At 4:00AM, the veil between us and the higher realm is closer and you'll be able to tap in and receive messages. By chanting your mantras or affirmations during the 4:00am hour, you're setting yourself up to resonate on a higher vibration throughout the day. The higher you raise your vibration, the higher frequency you will attract.

  4. SAT NAM: The SAT NAM mantra is a great starting point, and is one of the most widely used mantras in Kundalini Yoga. SAT means "Truth" and NAM means "Identity". It calls upon the eternal Truth that is inside of all of us. Chanting this awakens the soul.


  1. Sa Ta Na Ma: This mantra is excellent for brain issues. It's great for children if they are studying or trying to learn. It can be used for dementia or Alzheimer patients. The Alzeimer's Prevention Foundations shares tips for practicing this 12 minute exercise.

  2. Music: Sat Nam, Wheel of Sound by Hezy Levy

  3. The Spiritual Toolbox Podcast: What's Your Mantra?

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